Cutting test
Before beginning your job, make a cutting test using a sample of your material and select parameters (speed, strength, offset, blade's angle and caps)
Media thickness
We can classify media in 4 categories:
A) Thin or Film 0.1 mm or 4 mils
B) Strong paper 0.2 mm or 8 mils
C) Cardboard 0.3 mm or 12 mils
D) Thick or Chipboard 0.3 mm or 12 mils (between 0,75 mm (30 mils)
How to evaluate the thickness
Estimate the thickness of your media, offered media are calibrated and standardized. However you can estimate by comparing the thickness of your media with the thickness of a media known as the common printer paper.
How to adjust the blade tip
By using media to be cut place a scrap on a hard surface and maintaining the blade holder and blade adjusted in simulated by hand the cutting motion a small circle.
When to replace the blade
Your cut quality suddenly gets worse. You have to increase more and more blade pressure to obtain a clean cut. The corners and tight turns do not cleanly lifted up paper in corners.